Prompt Cash Loans
When you're in need of quick cash loans, look no further than PawnMax. We offer an easy 30-day loan, which can be extended for more than 30 days by paying a renewal fee. Situated in Lebanon, TN, we're locally owned and operated business providing you with hassle-free cash loans.
Check Out the Merchandise Eligible for Loans
- Gold
- Jewelry
- Coins
- Guns
- Sporting goods
- Electronics
- Tools and more
Terms of Our Cash Loan System
- All loans are for 30 days.
- Loans can be renewed each month for a renewal fee
- Renewal fee is based upon your loan amount
- Pawns are secured and held until the contract expires
- Redeem your merchandise by paying the principal amount plus finance charges in cash
Please note: Return policy varies on depending on the item. Please ask us for specifics.